Poems are never written alone.
Here is what some friends, teachers, and collaborators are up to. Read them!
Streams (album) by Yuma Uesaka and Marilyn Crispell (I wrote some poems to accompany tracks for the album flap!) | Gash Atlas by Jessica Lawson | Nuclear Deal by Nilufar Karimi |
godhouse by Ruth Ellen Kocher | A Plucked Zither by Phuong T. Vuong | excerpt from poem, “[Redacted] [Redacted]’s Father Cusses Out Every White Person in the Audience,” by El Williams III as part of PSA: STL Installation |
Cutlish by Rajiv Mohabir | Ghost Of by Diana Khoi Nguyen | The Tulip-Flame by Chloe Honum |
Poems that will rattle in your skull by Hannah Perrin King | Brilliant poet Whitney Koo also runs GASHER press | Geography by Ansley Clark |
Best Barbarian by Roger Reeves | [åmot] from unincorporated territory by Craig Santos Perez | Vexations by Annelyse Gelman |